Public Affairs Update Header
July 20, 2015
In This Issue
The Public Affairs Update is your weekly insight, perspective and analysis on politics in British Columbia and Canada.  This newsletter is brought to you by the largest and most broadly-based business organization in the province, the BC Chamber of Commerce – the Voice of Business in B.C.

Premiers, territorial leaders agree on energy strategy

The leaders of Canada’s provincial and territorial governments have agreed to a new Canadian Energy Strategy that they say balances the importance of the country’s energy industry with the need to address climate change.
Officials at the Council of the Federation said that the strategy now gives provinces certainty as to how energy will move across the country through pipelines and what needs to be addressed on the environmental side.
The plan was first introduced in 2012 by then Alberta Premier Alison Redford. B.C. Premier Christy Clark wouldn’t agree to that plan, but says this plan meets B.C.’s five conditions for oil pipelines and has her support.
“Canadians want jobs. Canadians want economic growth. The only way to do that is to get to yes on development of all kinds, but the only way we can get to yes and guarantee that those jobs will be created is if we can assure Canadians that we are doing it in an environmentally sound and responsible way. And that is ultimately the benefit for Canadians out of the energy strategy in my view,” Premier Clark said.
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall was initially critical of the plan for what he considered its negative view on Canada’s oil and gas industry. “Oil is not a four-letter word,” he said. But he eventually approved the plan, explaining that additions related to Canadian energy self-reliance and the importance of value-added products won him over.

MLAs debate LNG Act
B.C. MLAs this week debated Bill 30, the Liquefied Natural Gas Agreements Act. The legislation details Pacific Northwest LNG’s Project Development Agreement with the B.C. Government.Premier Christy Clark says B.C. will get its fair share of benefits, the environment will be protected, and investors will get the certainty needed for their $36-billion investment. The BC NDP criticized the Bill over a lack of local job guarantees, and provisions that would see Pacific Northwest LNG compensated for provincial LNG taxation and environmental changes over the next 25 years. The bill has passed second reading.