The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) will be undertaking ecosystem restoration activities on Columbia Lake – Lot 48 throughout the month of December. Crews will be hand thinning trees and brush to improve forest health and further NCC’s conservation goals. Accumulated slash will be burned using a sloop burner, a high-efficiency burner that limits smoke emissions and protects ground cover. Burning will occur over a four-day period, weather permitting. Lot 48 is located four km south of Fairmont Hot Springs, on the east side of Columbia Lake. What is the purpose of the ecosystem restoration? Manual stand thinning and burning is a commonly-used restoration tool to help maintain forest health, restore wildlife habitat and reduce the risk catastrophic wildfires. NCC has a successful track record of conservation land management, using science-based practices to improve habitat for species at risk and to protect the viability of its conservation lands. How will this affect the public? Burn operations and smoke will be visible to motorists driving from Fairmont to Canal Flats on Hwy 93/95. The use of a high-efficiency sloop burner will reduce the amount of smoke that would otherwise be generated from an open burn pile. Access to Lot 48 in the work unit will be restricted during thinning and burning activities. Are you highly sensitive to smoke? The Nature Conservancy of Canada maintains a smoke notification list for those who are extremely sensitive to smoke and would like advance warning of prescribed burn operations. To be added to this list or for more information, please contact the Invermere office at (250) 342-5521 About the Nature Conservancy of Canada The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the country’s leading land conservation organization. Since 1962, NCC has helped to conserve over 2.7 million acres (1 million hectares) of ecologically sensitive land and water nationwide, over one million acres (400,000 hectares) of which are right here in British Columbia.