The Regional District of East Kootenay has been honoured for its communications strategy during the recent flooding.

The RDEK was selected as a winner of the Union of BC Municipalities Community Excellence Award for Best Practices, Civic Engagement for its Regional Snapshot. “This summer, we experienced an unprecedented emergency event in the East Kootenay with flooding happening in several Electoral Areas and municipalities simultaneously. The impacts were felt across the region and back roads, highways, infrastructure and the Elko Dam were also affected,” explains RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay. “The Regional Snapshot was developed by our Communications Manager Loree Duczek as a way to provide a summary of all of the major events being actioned across the region. It was distributed once a day and became a concise snapshot of some of the major flood response occurring along with information such as weather forecasts and Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance program details.”

The UBCM Community Excellence Award for Best Practices, Civic Engagement recognizes a specific initiative that brings local government and its activities to the forefront of discussion in communities; improves public accountability and awareness; and, increases public participation and/or understanding of local government processes.“

The RDEK’s Regional Snapshot was distributed to thousands of people during the course of the flooding, was used extensively by media and a host of other organizations including hotels and Chambers of Commerce to help keep both residents and visitors informed about the impacts of the flooding. It increased awareness about the Emergency Program and emergency response, and most certainly increased engagement,” adds Gay. “For a local government to raise awareness and achieve citizen engagement is always significant; however, for us to be recognized for excellence during a historic emergency situation makes this award that much more meaningful.”

Chair Gay, Electoral Area E Director Jane Walter and Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth accepted the award on behalf of the RDEK during last week’s UBCM Convention in Vancouver.

For more information: Rob Gay
RDEK Board Chair