Public Affairs Update Header
November 4, 2013
In This Issue
Premier Clark appoints investment and trade commissioner
Minister Lake directs health review
AltaGas and Idemitsu apply for LNG export licence
The Public Affairs Update is your weekly insight, perspective and analysis on politics in British Columbia and Canada.  This newsletter is brought to you by the largest, and most broadly-based business organization in the province, the BC Chamber of Commerce – the Voice of Business in B.C.

Premier Clark appoints investment and trade commissoner
This week, Premier Christy Clark appointed Ben Stewart as B.C.’s investment and trade commissioner. Based in Beijing, Stewart will promote and advance British Columbia’s trade and economic interests in the region, and strengthen the province’s government-to-government relationships in Asia. He will also act as an official signatory for the province.His mandate is to focus on China, Japan and Korea, and particularly on the liquefied natural gas sector. He will report to the premier and the Minister of International Trade and Minister Responsible for the Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism Teresa Wat.

Ben Stewart, the former MLA for Westside-Kelowna, resigned his seat in July in order for Clark to run in the by-election.

Minister Lake directs health review
Minister of Health Terry Lake is directing a strategic and operational review to assist Fraser Health in facing current service and fiscal pressures. Lake will appoint a review committee comprised of provincial health leaders who will examine current operational practices, and identify priority action areas to address these pressures going forward.The Fraser Health board of directors will provide the Ministry with a new strategic and operational plan by late spring 2014 to cover the three-year fiscal period beginning in 2014-15. The plan, which must be approved by the minister, will identify service targets and operational and financial objectives, and outline how Fraser Health’s programming and structure can achieve these objectives.

Fraser Health is the fastest-growing health authority in BC, serving more than 1.6 million individuals, and receives a funding allocation of $2.5 billion from the Ministry of Health.

AltaGas and Idemitsu apply for LNG export licence
AltaGas Ltd. and Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd. have applied to the National Energy Board for a 25-year export licence for LNG in B.C.The two companies signed an agreement in January 2013 to form the joint venture Triton LNG LP. Triton is aiming to export up to 2.3 million tonnes of LNG annually, roughly 115 billion cubic feet, from either Kitimat or Prince Rupert. The partnership is doing preliminary work for the design and construction of a floating LNG facility.

Triton plans to start LNG exports as early as 2017, subject to completing a feasibility study, consulting with First Nations and obtaining required regulatory approvals.

To date, the NEB has issued three export licences to LNG propoents. Including Triton, there are five submissions currently under review.

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This weekly report produced for the BC Chamber of Commerce by Fleishman-Hillard.  While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information included in this publication as of the date of issue, events and government policies are subject to frequent change.  Therefore, the BC Chamber of Commerce and Fleishman-Hillard cannot assume any responsibility for actions taken solely or principally on the basis on the information contained herein.