Member Resources
Happy Pride
Happy Pride Month to Everyone! You may have seen the windows around town – the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce worked with Columbia Valley Pride and volunteers from the Youth Hub to paint the town rainbow! Columbia Valley Pride has worked hard to create an event...
72nd BC Chamber of Commerce AGM
Last week, as President of the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) I was fortunate to have the opportunity to go to the 72nd BC Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) AGM in Kelowna. The conference was filled with almost 200 Chamber of Commerce Presidents, board members...
International Women’s Day
Celebrate women, aspire to equality! International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global event that is for all people and all groups that celebrates the achievements of women in social, economic, cultural, and political spheres throughout the world and history. It is a...
Diversity of Focus in Small Regional Chambers
The Diversity of Focus in Small Regional Chambers The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) is located in Invermere BC, however it serves many smaller communities throughout the “Columbia Valley” region (including but not limited to Radium Hot Springs, Fairmont...
The Columbia Valleys 21st Annual Business Excellence Awards
Join Chamber members and businesses from all over the Columbia Valley as we celebrate and recognize business excellence. These awards are an opportunity to recognize businesses and individuals within the Columbia Valley that patrons believe are deserving of...
Chamber Seeks Public Feedback on Transit Service in the Columbia Valley
Through funding from the BC Rural Dividends Fund, the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce has commenced a study to determine the costs and independent transportation options that currently exist in the Columbia Valley in order to develop a comprehensive strategy for...
Meet The ED – The CV Chamber Visits Communities Across the Valley!
Pete Bourke is pleased to be reaching out to you as the Columbia Valley Chamber's new Executive Director. One of Pete's personal goals and a Chamber mandate is to ensure the Chamber is continually connecting with our members and community as a whole. It’s critical to...
Potential Changes to The Employment Standards Act – Voice Your Opinion
RE: BCLI Employment Standards Act Reform Project; Sick and Family Responsibility Leave; Statutory Holiday Pay – (optional) action required by March 31st, 2019 Dear Members and Business Colleagues, In case you aren’t already aware, by being a member of the CV Chamber...
CVCC Starts Search for New Executive Director
The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce is seeking a new Executive Director. As the leader of the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce the Executive Director (ED) is responsible for overseeing strategic planning and execution of the associated work plan. The Executive...
Submit Questions to Local Government Candidates
The Columbia Valley Pioneer is collecting questions that will be asked at All Candidate Forums for the Local Government elections. Please send your question to: