Through funding from the BC Rural Dividends Fund, the Columbia Valley Chamber of
Commerce has commenced a study to determine the costs and independent transportation options that currently
exist in the Columbia Valley in order to develop a comprehensive strategy for an economical transportation system
that supports all resident in the Columbia Valley who would prefer to use or need to use public transportation.

“We recognize the limitations of the current BC Transit service in our Valley.” said Pete Bourke, Executive Director,
“We’ve heard that the current system impedes the ability of residents to access affordable housing options,
education, shopping and employment. Additionally, we know that a number of employers are providing shuttle
service to address some of the needs of their own workforce which is at best a patch work solution.”

The study seeks to understand the needs of transit users, across the Valley as well as the needs and
the amount of private funds currently being spent by industry to move their workforce throughout
the area. The collected data will inform how we can develop a transportation system that will service
not only the Columbia Valley but also connect to other communities in the RDEK and beyond.

It is clear that the Columbia Valley needs an expanded transportation system and the study will
provide the information about what a new system could look like and how it can be funded. We
expect that a new system would either enable an existing transportation business to grow or a new
one to emerge. Thereby jobs may be created and the businesses may increase the need for ancillary
services such as fuel, vehicle service, bookkeeping etc.

From the collective work of the study’s steering committee, there are now two surveys available to
collect input from both individuals and organizations. The surveys will be open until September 16th,

Individual Survey

Organization Survey