June 17, 2013

In this Issue:

The Public Affairs Update is your weekly insight, perspective and analysis on politics in British Columbia and Canada.  This newsletter is brought to you by the largest, and most broadly-based business organization in the province, the BC Chamber of Commerce – the Voice of Business in B.C.

Premiers Clark and Redford meet ahead of Western Premiers’ Conference

BC Premier Christy Clark and Alberta Premier Alison Redford met in Kelowna Friday morning to discuss areas of common interest on economic growth and job creation.

At the first meeting since the re-election of Premier Clark’s government, the two premiers agreed on the need for responsible energy development in both provinces.

The premiers also committed to work together in upcoming meetings at the Western Premiers’ Conference (June 17) and the Council of the Federation (July 2013) to prioritize skills training and immigration policies to address the needs of both provinces and their economies.

Adrian Dix announces shadow cabinet

Adrian Dix announces shadow cabinet

On Friday, BC NDP leader Adrian Dix announced the official Opposition shadow cabinet. Key critic portfolio highlights include:

  • Mike Farnworth moves to finance from health
  • Judy Darcy is the new health critic
  • Bruce Ralston becomes chair of general accounts committee, moves to international trade, Asia Pacific strategy, multiculturalism, immigration, intergovernmental relations
  • John Horgan stays in energy, but Robin Austin becomes the new critic of natural gas development
  • Spencer Chandra-Herbert becomes critic for environment
  • Rob Fleming becomes critic for education
  • Doug Donaldson and Scott Fraser switch critic portfolios – Donaldson moves to aboriginal relations, Scott Fraser moves to rural economic development, mines and fisheries
  • Shane Simpson moves to core review, gaming, liquor modernization, BC Pavilion Corp., legislative aaccountability
  • Harry Bains moves to jobs, employment, labour and Worksafe BC

B.C. government announces senior staffing changes in public service

Last week, as Premier Clark’s new cabinet was sworn in, the B.C. government also announced senior staffing changes in the public service.

In the Premier’s Office: John Dyble was named deputy minister to the premier, cabinet secretary and head of the public service; Neil Sweeney was named deputy minister, corporate policy; and Kim Henderson was appointed deputy minister, corporate initiatives.

Other deputy minister appointments include:

  • finance: Peter Milburn, and Lynda Tarras, deputy minister, public service agency
  • jobs, tourism and skills training and minister responsible for labour: Dave Byng
  • aboriginal relations and reconciliation: Steve Munro
  • advanced education: James Gorman
  • agriculture: Derek Sturko
  • children and family development: Mark Sieben
  • community, sport and cultural development: Becky Denlinger
  • education: James Gorman (acting)
  • natural gas development and minister responsible for housing: Steven Carr
  • energy and mines and minister responsible for core review: Dave Nikolejsin
  • environment: Wes Shoemaker
  • forests, lands and natural resource operations: Dave Peterson (acting)
  • health: Stephen Brown; Elaine McKnight was also named chief administrative officer
  • justice and attorney general: Richard Fyfe, deputy attorney general; and Lori Wanamaker, deputy solicitor general
  • technology, innovation and citizens’ services: John Jacobson
  • social development and social innovation: Sheila Taylor
  • transportation and infrastructure: Grant Main
  • international trade and minister responsible for Asia Pacific strategy and multiculturalism: Sandra Carroll

Additional public service leadership appointments were also announced:

  • Government Communications and Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat: Athana Mentzelopoulos
  • Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat: Pierrette Maranda
  • Environmental Assessment Office: Doug Caul
  • Major Investment Office: Tim McEwan
  • chief information officer: Bette-Jo Hughes, Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services; and Cheryl Wenezenki-Yolland, finance.

Premier Clark announces parliamentary secretaries

The following provincial cabinet committees have been formed as part of British Columbia’s 40th Parliament of the Legislative Assembly:

priorities and planning committee:

  • Premier Christy Clark (chair)
  • Rich Coleman (vice-chair)

Treasury Board:

  • Michael de Jong (chair)
  • Terry Lake (vice-chair)

cabinet committee on secure tomorrow:

  • Terry Lake (chair)
  • Stephanie Cadieux (vice-chair)

cabinet committee on strong economy:

  • Shirley Bond (chair)
  • Norm Letnick (vice-chair)

legislative review committee:

  • Michael de Jong (chair)
  • Terry Lake (vice-chair)

environment and land use committee:

  • Steve Thomson (chair)
  • Mary Polak (vice-chair)

cabinet working group on liquefied natural gas (LNG):

  • Premier Christy Clark (chair)
  • Rich Coleman (vice-chair)

cabinet working group on core review:

  • Bill Bennett (chair)
  • Dan Ashton (vice-chair)

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This weekly report produced for the BC Chamber of Commerce by Fleishman-Hillard.  While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information included in this publication as of the date of issue, events and government policies are subject to frequent change.  Therefore, the BC Chamber of Commerce and Fleishman-Hillard cannot assume any responsibility for actions taken solely or principally on the basis on the information contained herein.