Below is a link to the Culinary Tourism Case Study that was completed by David Thompson Secondary School Students Sarah and Emily Zehnder and Leigh Thompson. You may remember that these students were chosen to represent Canada at the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership Conference in Monaco last November.  Alongside student teams from twelve countries including China, Russia, Hungary, and South Africa, the DTSS team stood out as exceptional leaders and were commended by the organizers for their community-focussed work and the numerous opportunities it will provide for future community and economic development.

They have done an outstanding job on this project.  Based on their extensive research, and through interviews with local and international food and agriculture experts, they have made many excellent  recommendations on how to enhance culinary tourism in the Columbia Valley.  They have quite a vision!

As well, Sarah, Emily and Leigh have been invited to present their study at Food for Thought: Growing Local Economies, Feeding Local Communities, an annual forum organized by the BC Centre for Civic Governance, in Vancouver in early April.   

We would like to extend our gratitude to those who have contributed to this document or provided support in other ways to the project.

If you have any questions or comments about the project, please feel free to contact:

Heather Brown-

Alison Bell-

Emily Zehnder-

Sarah Zehnder-

Leigh Thompson-