Strengthen your business community. The Chamber’s Nominating Committee is seeking nominations from members to let their name stand for election to the Board of Directors for 2017/18.

Positions are for a one-year term with a request to commit for a second term. Applicants should have the ability to fill a time commitment of approximately 11 meetings per year. (Currently, the Board meets the last Tuesday of each month from 8:00 am – 9:30 am) All positions are confirmed annually by the membership present at the Annual General Meeting.

Chamber Members in good standing (annual dues and other purchases are paid) are eligible to submit their name. If you, or a staff person, would be interested in representing your business, please complete the application form listed below. The Nominating Committee wishes to have representation from a broad cross section of the Chamber’s membership so do not hesitate to confirm your interest. If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact Nominating Committee Chair, Dee Conklin at, or Chamber Staff at 250-342-2844 or

Board Nomination Document

The deadline for applications is February 27th @ noon.

Desired qualifications to serve as a Director of the Chamber Board can include:

  • Support the Chamber and a sincere desire to assist in growing the membership by promoting the benefits of the organization to potential members
  • Possess professional skills and expertise, which can be drawn upon as required in certain areas (e.g. financial, marketing, communications, policy, not-for-profit, HR, governance, event planning)
  • Attend and support Chamber events

The proposed slate for 2017/18 will be presented to the Board at their regular February 2017 meeting. The slate will be presented to the membership prior to March 8th, 2017. In the event that there are more names than required, an election will be held at the Annual General Meeting on March 8th, 2017. The new board shall assume office at the monthly meeting on March 28th, 2017.

The Board shall consist of a President, First and Second Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer and at least seven (7) other members who shall be Directors at Large. The Past-President shall be acclaimed. The Board shall not exceed fifteen (15) elected members inclusive of all executive positions.