B.C. Buy Local

The B.C. government has invested $6 million in the Buy Local Program including $2 million in Budget 2015, helping BC farmers and food processors promote their products, and support food security in B.C.

The Buy Local Program aims to increase consumer demand and sales of B.C. agrifoods. Businesses and organizations can apply for matching funding from the B.C. government for projects that promote local foods. Projects can include in-store promotions, social media or web campaigns, traditional advertising or other ideas.

Building the local market for B.C. foods is a key commitment of government’s Agrifoods Strategy, a component of the B.C. Jobs Plan, to lead the agrifoods sector growth into a $14-billion-a-year industry by 2017.

Applications and Further Information

Please visit the Investment Agriculture Foundation website for applications and more information:

For additional information about the Buy Local Program, please see our news releases: